Category: Uncategorized

The Return of the Blue-Collar Downturn

For much of 2010, the slumping economy was affecting white-collar, highly educated workers almost as much as it was affecting less educated and blue-collar workers. That’s no longer the case.

The Return of the Blue-Collar Downturn

For much of 2010, the slumping economy was affecting white-collar, highly educated workers almost as much as it was affecting less educated and blue-collar workers. That’s no longer the case.

The No-Vacation Nation: The United States & Its Lack of Vacation Legislation

Want six weeks of guaranteed (as in legally-mandated) paid vacation? Well, you should probably leave the country. Read this CNN article about why the United States has been deemed the No-Vacation Nation by the Center for Economic Policy and Research. The United States has no federal legislation requiring companies to offer paid vacation days and […]